Safe Drinking Water

Is the water safe to drink? That is a question many people ponder every day.  News stories are plentiful about unsafe drinking water, swimming hazards, and contamination.  In fact, every year, millions of Americans get their drinking water from a source that violates EPA standards.

Ensuring the water supply is safe in communities across America is a growing challenge.  Aging infrastructure, impaired source water, and strained community finances are all contributing to the issue. 

There are signs that may indicate your water is unsafe to drink. You or your family become ill.  If your water is cloudy, don’t drink it.  Brown or orange colored water often means there’s too much iron or manganese.  If your drinking water has a metallic or bitter taste, it likely contains harmful substances.  A  chlorine or sulfur odor in the water may also indicate trouble. Same goes for stained water fixtures or clothing. 

Testing Your Water

Test your drinking water to ensure it’s safe.  Local health departments will help you test for bacteria or nitrates.  You can also have your water tested by a state certified laboratory.  If you need help, call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 or visit

Most people in the U.S. receive their water from a community water system.  Customers are provided with an annual water quality report. It includes information on contaminants found, possible health effects, and the water’s source.  If your water comes from a private well, you are responsible for assuring that it’s safe.  Routine testing for the most common contaminants is highly recommended. 

Impact of Water Quality Problems

Drinking water that contains unsafe levels of contaminants can cause health effects, such as gastrointestinal illnesses.  According to the EPA, the most common illnesses are stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever and kidney failure.   Most life-threatening waterborne diseases caused by microbes are rare in the United States today.  

Common Sources of Contaminants

Harmful germs and chemicals can get into the water from many sources. Sewage and wastewater treatment is a main culprit.  Agricultural products such as fertilizer and pesticides can seep into nearby water.  Manufacturing operations and large industrial animal farms can contaminate the water.  Other sources include cracks in water pipes or problems in the distribution system. 

Coping With Water Contamination

If you know your well is contaminated, or suspect that it is, DO NOT drink the water. 

Immediately contact your local or state health department for specific instructions.  In the meantime, drink bottled water or clean water from another source.  If no options are available, follow Boil Water Advisory guidelines to minimize health risks.  Keep in mind that while boiling water does kill germs, it does not remove most chemicals from the water.

Let Us Clean Up Your Outdoor Space 

Speaking of clean water, let us “clean” your outdoor space so it shines once again. The professionals at  Peak Power Wash can help. We can spruce up your home exterior or tackle your deck, patio, sidewalk or driveway.  We use a technique called “soft wash”, which uses a much lower amount of pressure and reduces potential harm to surfaces.  Contact us at 443-686-WASH or visit our website to request a free estimate.




Our home power washing and home pressure washing service area includes, but is not limited to: Archdale, Clemmons, Eden, Elon, Graham, Greensboro, High Point, Jamestown, King, Kernersville, Lewisville, Madison, Mayoden, Oak Ridge, Reidsville, Summerfield, Stokesdale, Thomasville, Trinity, Walkertown, Winstom Salem, North Carolina